A few of my favourite Recipes
It’s very difficult to describe the Thermomix without seeing it in real life. How do you describe something that can make both strawberry sorbet and sticky toffee pudding?
Looking at it’s picture, you would probably be forgiven for thinking that the Thermomix is some kind of blender…. Of course it can blend! But to give you an example of what else it can do we’ve pulled together a few favourite recipes from our family Thermomix recipe book.

Tomato soup – A firm family favourite. Freshly created home-made tomato soup 15 minutes from raw ingredients to ready to serve. Ideal for any occasion at any time of the year.
Full recipe and instructions here.
Cheese Scones – Freshly prepared to go with the tomato soup or just on their own as a quick snack after school – they taste soooo good when fresh out of the oven. Of course, other kinds of scones are available!
Full recipe and instructions here.
Butter Chicken curry – The boys love this one and even offer to make it! Quicker than a take-away, possibly healthier too. Ultimately of course, we know what exactly goes into it!
Full recipe and instructions here.

Risotto – This is great for a quick meal, whether at lunch or later. Very short preparation time and then let the Thermomix do its work – healthy too! 😊
Full recipe and instructions here.
Sticky Toffee Pudding – Who doesn’t like this? A definite favourite of ours and especially made with some home made banana ice cream.
Full recipe and instructions here.
More recipes?
These are just a few of our favourite, but we love experimenting and have quite
a few more, below are a couple of links, but you can also take a peek at my Twitter
Feed of contact me for specific ideas especially in relation to food allergies
/ intolerances.